It’s not uncommon at all for caregivers to make several different types of statements in order to avoid taking time away from caregiving. The problem is that many of these statements aren’t fully accurate.

Home Health Care in Modesto CA: Caregiver Breaks
Saying You Can Handle It
Just because you can handle being a caregiver doesn’t mean that you have to be a caregiver all the time, nonstop. You do need breaks now and again in order to continue being the person who can handle so very much. Do yourself a favor and stop being so strong for just a minute or two.
Saying Breaks Are More Stressful
Some caregivers believe that taking a break is actually more stressful than not taking one. On the surface, that’s easy to understand. There can be a lot of preparation involved in taking a break from caregiving, but it’s worth it. In the long run, you’re doing more harm to yourself than you believe.
Believing Your Senior Will Never Agree
You might also feel as if your senior would never agree to you being away for any amount of time, especially a whole day at a time. but your elderly family member might surprise you. Explain to her that you need a little bit of time away. Your senior doesn’t want you to run yourself into the ground just to take care of her.
Saying There’s No One Who Can Help You
It’s easy to believe that there is no one who can help you, especially if you don’t have friends or family in the area who are able to help. Hiring elder care providers for a few hours a week can get you the time away that you desperately need. As a plus, your senior is in good hands with experts in taking care of senior family members.
Believing You’re the Only One Who Can Care for Your Senior
No matter how long you’ve been taking care of your aging adult, you may still feel strongly that you know exactly what she needs and when she needs it. You may be right. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t take a break away from caregiving for a few hours. If you’re really concerned, take some time to make information sheets, but still take time away.
If you recognize any of these statements, it might be time for you to force yourself to take a small break now and again. Having time away from caregiving is beneficial for both you and your aging adult.