As a family caregiver, you’re always striving to find ways to protect your parent, and give them the best quality of life as they age. Guarding their physical health is an essential part of this, and should be considered in virtually all aspects of your care plans for your senior. You can take steps throughout each day of caring for your parent to boost and preserve their health now and keep them healthier into the future.

Senior Home Care in Stockton CA: Senior Health
Some steps you can take to keep your senior healthier include:
Introduce a healthy, balanced diet. Eating a wide variety of foods helps to give your parent the range of nutrients their body needs to be resilient, strong, and healthy. Try offering a new fruit or vegetable a few times a week, researching foods and recipes to find healthy versions of their favorite meals, and spending more time cooking together.
Make exercise part of their daily life. Staying active doesn’t have to mean taking aerobics classes or jogging, though both may be good choices. Instead of focusing only on these “organized” forms of exercise, integrate it into your usual care routine. Go on walks together. Park further out in the parking lot if they can handle it. Go swimming with your children. Having fun with exercise can encourage your parent to stay active regularly, keeping their body healthier.
Practice germ control all year. Many people only start thinking about germ control during cold and flu season. While it’s extremely important for you to protect your parent during this time of year, germ control should be something you think about at all times. Make a habit of regular hand washing, using hand sanitizing gel, cleaning surfaces throughout the home, as well as outside of the home with disinfecting wipes, and avoiding contact with those who have been ill or been around people who have been. Following these measures throughout the year can drastically reduce the number of germs your parent is exposed to, and the risk for getting seriously sick.
Taking care of your parent’s health is a top priority for you as a family caregiver.
There are many steps you can take to help your senior stay healthier, and avoid potentially serious issues such as infections and illnesses. One of the most effective can be introducing senior care into your care routine.
Having a home care provider with your aging parent boosts germ control efforts, and also helps your parent to make good lifestyle choices during their daily life. These choices help to support a stronger, more resilient body, and also reduce the chances your parent will be exposed to germs that can threaten their health. This can include helping them to eat a healthy diet, encouraging them to stay active, working with them to promote a healthier environment, and even encouraging visitors to wash their hands and avoid other potential contamination issues.