Taking on the role of being a family caregiver for your aging parent can be one of the most fulfilling decisions that you make.
Through this role, you are able to spend quality time with your parents, give back to them, show them love and respect, and ensure that they get the care that they need to live the highest quality of life possible as they age in place. Taking on this responsibility, however, can also be extremely stressful. Suffering caregiver stress can make you more vulnerable to a variety of physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being consequences, putting your well-being as well as the care you give your parents at risk. It is important to not only recognize when you may be struggling with caregiver stress but also to take the proper steps to reduce the stress and manage it if it becomes a part of your caregiver journey. There are many ways that you can reduce caregiver stress in your daily routine, but one of the most effective is to utilize home care.

Home Care Roseville CA: Reduce Caregiver Stress
Some of the ways that using care can reduce caregiver stress include:
• Taking on potentially sensitive tasks that are emotionally difficult for you or your aging parent. This can include bathing, toileting, and dressing. These tasks can be very stressful for both you and your senior, but the services of a care provider are professional, neutral, and respectful to ensure that these tasks are handled in the most effective way while also preserving your parent’s dignity.
• Caring for your senior on a customized schedule to ensure that you have the time to handle the other responsibilities and obligations in your life in the time that is right for you.
• Fulfilling care tasks that might be challenging for you due to your own personal limitations. This can include providing support and assistance for physical tasks such as mobility and bathing if you are not strong or healthy enough to handle it yourself.
• Providing companionship for your parent so that you can feel more confident that they are not experiencing loneliness or isolation when you are not able to be with them. This can ease your feelings of guilt and stress because you know that your parent has better mental and emotional well-being.
• Allowing you to have more time to yourself and to focus on caring for yourself.
Being a family caregiver for an elderly adult can be stressful, challenging, and, at times, overwhelming. This can be especially true if you are a member of the sandwich generation caring for your elderly adult and your children, or if you live at a distance from your senior and are not able to be with your parent as often as you would like to be. Fortunately, home care can be there for you.
The highly personalized services of an home care solutions provider can fill care gaps and ensure that your parent’s individual needs are met in the way that is right for them. These can be care needs that you are not able to handle due to your own challenges, limitations, or distance, care needs that your parent or you are not comfortable with you handling, tasks that need to be handled more frequently that you can fulfill them, or just the support that companionship can offer.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care in Roseville CA, or the surrounding areas please contact the caring staff at ApexCare®. Proudly Serving Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, Solano, San Joaquin & Stanislaus counties.
Call Today 877-916-9111