
Elderly Care in Manteca CA

Once older adults retire, they may have trouble determining their purpose and where they belong. This could lead them to feeling depressed or as if they are a burden on their family members, Elderly-Care-in-Manteca-CAespecially those who assist with the caregiving responsibilities. However, by having a feeling of belonging and purpose, your loved one may actually be adding years to their life. One study by Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario and the University of Rochester in New York, tracked the lives of 7,000 American adults between the ages of 20 and 75 for 14 years. What they discovered was that those who had a purpose outlived those who did not.

In order to give your loved one back a purpose in their life, here are 6 ways to do so, while also improving their mental and physical health.

  1. Stay active. Physical activities will keep the senior healthy, while also allowing them to socialize with others. They could join a gym, a fitness class at a local senior center, or simply get together with friends to go for brisk walks.
  2. Continue participating in favorite hobbies. Are there any activities your loved one used to enjoy doing, like gardening, knitting, or crafting? Continuing to do the hobbies that brought them joy will continue bringing them happiness, while also keeping them active.
  3. Try a new activity. Is there something your parent has always wanted to try, such as a new language or skill? No matter what their age is, now is the time for them to begin. Doing so will enable the elder to redirect their purpose, allowing them to spend their time the way they would like to.
  4. Make use of your professional skills. What did the elder do before they retired? Whatever it was, they can still make use of it through retirement. For example, if they were a teacher, they could volunteer to tutor a student at a local school.
  5. Stay social with games. Games are the perfect way to exercise the mind and keep your loved one mentally active. Check with the senior center or church to find out if there are any games available. Joining these types of clubs or groups will allow the elder to meet others who also enjoy similar games.
  6. Babysit. Not only will babysitting help bring together grandparents and grandchildren, strengthening their bond. But it will also keep the elder feeling young. Encourage the elder to get on the ground to play with the children. They will also be building memories the children will cherish for years to come.

If some of these tips are too difficult for the elder to do, consider hiring an elderly care provider to participate in these activities with them.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Manteca, CA, please contact the caring staff at ApexCare®. Proudly Serving Sacramento, Yolo, Placer & El Dorado Counties. Call Today 916-924-9111.




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