Back-to-school season is an exciting time.
Your children are at the beginning of another year of learning and growing, and looking forward to all of their new skills and knowledge. As a parent, you are excited about what they will experience, and how much they will learn. But what about your aging parent? If you are a family caregiver, you may be wondering how you can make this time of year meaningful for your senior as well. The truth is, this does not just have to be a time of anticipation and benefit for your children. This can also be a fantastic opportunity for your senior as well. Learning new things stimulates your parent’s mind, keeping it sharper and more responsive, which can protect memory and functioning.

Elder Home Care in Natomas CA: Back-to-School Time
Some fun ways you can use the back-to-school time to inspire your parent to learn new things include:
Shop for supplies. Getting school supplies is always a fun adventure. While your children are picking out their new pencils, paper, and crayons, get your parent involved, too. Buy some new notebooks and pens, and look for books about your parent’s favorite topics, or a topic they are interested in learning about.
Pick their “class”. Encourage your parent to find something interesting they want to learn more about. This can be something they are already familiar with and just want to expand on, or something completely new. Work together to find resources about this topic, such as books, websites, and even places to visit.
Find a group. Look around the area and find out if there is an organization, club, adult learning facility, or another group available that has to do with what your parent is learning. This will not only let them learn more but will also give them valuable social interaction.
Plan “field trips”. If there are places nearby that have something to do with your parent’s interest, plan to visit together. Enjoy this quality time, and encourage your parent to learn even more during your trip.
Stay invested in their experience. You don’t have to be involved with all of your parent’s learning, but make sure they know you are interested. Even if your parent is researching or attending meetings or classes on their own or with an elder care provider, stay invested. Ask them what they are learning, let them tell you about or show you their new skill. This shows you value their quality of life, and support this activity.
Helping your parent find ways to stimulate their mind and keep it sharp is a fantastic benefit to elder care.
An elderly home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a regular basis to give them services that will help them to pursue a more active, sharp, and responsive mind. This can include transportation so they can participate in activities and events, conversation and companionship, support finding topics they enjoy and are interested in to make a regular part of their routine, and activities to keep their mind active such as games and crafts. Even for those seniors without many physical needs, this type of care can offer a variety of benefits to your parent. As a family caregiver, this can be a wonderful way for you to help your parent live the lifestyle they desire and deserve as they age.