Home Care in Sacramento CA: What Are the Best Ways to Convince an Elderly Loved One to Accept Help?
You know that you need extra help, but your elderly loved one is not on board at all with the idea of hiring elder care providers. So what can you do to change her mind?
Keep Your Loved One Involved in Care Plans
If your loved one feels like you’re deliberately excluding her from making decisions about her own care, she’s likely to feel that you’re taking away her independence. Feeling independent and being able to make her own decisions are likely very important to your elderly loved one. Give your loved one choices and options rather than dictating to her.
Give Examples about How the Senior Home Care Providers Will Help
In some cases, your elderly loved one could truly be baffled as to how home care providers could help her. Give her some solid examples so that she can start to see the benefits for herself. For example, your loved one might need transportation help, meal preparation assistance, or even help with personal care tasks. Once she understands all that this service can do for her, she may change her mind.
Try a Trial Run
Nothing is written in stone when it comes to hiring extra help for your elderly loved one. Try suggesting a trial run of a few hours or days so that your loved one can experience the situation fully. If your loved one still isn’t interested after giving the idea a full try, then you can look at whatever other options she’s open to. But often seeing it for herself can be what she needs.
Ask Your Loved One to Do it for You
If hiring senior care providers is your last available option, you need to let your loved one know what this service can do for you. Explain how much easier it would make your life and let her know how much better you would feel knowing that she’s cared for when you have to be away. Seeing things from your point of view can help your loved one understand why you’re asking this of her.
In the end, it may come down to compromising a bit with your elderly loved one so that you can both be happy.