Wanting the best for your loved one can often mean that you constantly worry about whether you’re overreacting about certain signs and ailments. One of the biggest for caregivers can be wondering whether your loved one is developing Alzheimer’s disease or not. Always check with your loved one’s doctor to be sure, but some of these signals could help you describe what your loved one is experiencing.
Memory Changes and Everyday Activities
The sign that makes both family caregivers and elderly loved ones wonder is when your loved one has trouble with remembering certain facts, dates, and information. What happens most often is that your loved one has difficulty with short-term memory or facts she’s most recently learned. Your loved one might also start to ask you the same question multiple times or have trouble remembering what she normally does every day.
Trouble Solving Problems
When faced with a difficulty or a problem in her everyday life, does your loved one manage it, or does she freeze up? If she’s having trouble solving even simple problems, you might need to do some more investigating at her doctor’s office. This sign might be particularly obvious if your loved one has always been decisive in the past.

Elder Home Care in Stockton CA: Should You Be Concerned about Alzheimer’s Disease and Your Loved One?
Confusion Around Place or Time
It’s not uncommon to get busy and forget the date or the day of the week, but if your loved one is losing track of time on a lot of different levels, that can be a bad sign. If she’s trying to wear sweaters in the heat of summer, for example, she may not realize what time of year it is. Likewise, forgetting where she is or where she’s going can be a warning sign.
Poor Judgement Overall
This sign can be especially worrying if your loved one hasn’t had difficulty making wise decisions in the past. If she’s now making decisions that are way out of character or beyond a bad idea, you might need a new system in place to help make sure that she’s not putting herself in danger.
Having elder care providers available for your loved one can help her to learn to manage, even if she is experiencing these and other problems on a regular basis.
If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Stockton CA, please contact the caring staff at ApexCare®. Proudly Serving Sacramento, Yolo, Placer & El Dorado Counties. Call Today 916-924-9111.
Excerpt: Alzheimer’s disease is scary and you might be concerned that your loved one is developing it. But what can you watch out for to alleviate your concerns?