To cut expenses, you’re wondering if it’s really that important that your dad still has a landline. Before dropping that service, there are a few questions you should ask.

Home Care in Woodland CA: Landlines For Seniors
Is Cell Service Enough?
If your dad has good service through a cell phone, he probably doesn’t need a landline. He can make and receive calls using his cellphone. Things to consider are emergency calls. With a cell phone, it’s not as easy to track a caller’s location.
If he needs to call 911, he needs to give his location. If he passes out or cannot speak, that’s going to be difficult. Tracking his location using a cell phone may waste time as dispatchers try to hone in on the nearest cell towers.
What About VOIP Services?
VOIP services all your dad to make and receive calls using the internet instead of traditional phone lines. It’s cheaper if your dad already has and uses the internet in his home. If he has no need for internet service, VOIP isn’t ideal.
If your dad does not get a reliable cell phone signal, there is VOIP service like Vonage, Phone Power, or 1-VOIP. To make and receive calls, he needs to have a free adapter that’s sent by the company he chooses and pay a monthly connection fee. Generally, he won’t have to pay more than $10 a month for VOIP service.
What Will He Do if Internet Goes Out?
If your dad signs up for a VOIP service, a power outage will knock the VOIP service out until power is restored. He needs to have a backup plan in place for power outages. This can be a neighbor with a phone he could use or a local business that’s a short walk away and would let him use their phone.
Does He Qualify for Any Discounts?
Some phone companies have discounted plans for seniors. AARP is a good company to start with. They keep a listing of phone carriers that provide discounts for AARP members. Companies like T-Mobile and Verizon also have discounted cell phone plans for elderly subscribers.
Part of keeping your dad safe also means having help when he needs it. If he’s alone for hours every day, it may not be safe. He may need someone around to keep him company, cook meals, and drive him to area businesses. Caregivers from a senior care agency handle those chores and many others. Learn more about senior care by making a call today.