The holidays are one of the most popular times of year to travel, and in fact, the days around Thanksgiving see more travelers than any other time of the year.
If you are going to be heading out for a holiday trip, it is very important to keep your caregiver efforts in mind and prepare yourself for the care you will need to give you a loved one while on the road, and after you have arrived for your holiday celebrations. Finding as many ways as possible to simplify your care not only it makes it easier on both of you to prepare for and follow through with the travel itself, but also enables you to relax more and enjoy the holidays while still knowing your senior’s getting everything they need.

Home Care in Natomas CA: Traveling for the Holidays
Some ways you can simplify care when traveling for the holidays include:
Ask your senior’s doctor if they can write a partial prescription for any medications your senior might need, and call it into a pharmacy near your destination. This allows you to minimize the amount of medication your senior is traveling with, and also feel confident they have access to their medication if their supply is lost or damaged, or return travel home is delayed.
- Research the area ahead of time and identify the location of hospitals, doctors offices, pharmacies, and 24-hour grocery stores so you feel confident you can access the services and supplies you will need for your parent as necessary
- Consider staying in a hotel rather than in the home of a family member. This will allow you to spread out more, provide more privacy, and may help your parents feel more at ease receiving care and support
- Consider bringing your parent’s home care provider along with you, or arranging for home care in your destination area. This ensures your senior has access to dedicated and consistent care throughout the entire celebration so you can relax and focus on enjoying yourself
- Send a copy of your parent’s schedule and routine to the family at your destination so they can be prepared in advance, and can schedule holiday activities and events around this as much as possible
If your senior is unable to travel for the holidays, this does not mean you have to be left out.
Respite care can allow your parents to continue receiving the dedicated care they need while giving you the opportunity to travel and participate in holiday celebrations without worrying about them and their needs. With respite care, a home care provider steps in on a temporary basis to provide dedicated care tailored specifically to your aging loved one’s needs. This in-home senior care services provider follows your senior’s normal schedule and routine as much as possible and ensures they stay safe and healthy while you are away. This allows you to relax, relieve your stress, and focus on spending quality time with your family or participating in other activities.